Day One Ventures

E-Commerce, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Crypto & Blockchain, Business Products & Services, Consumer, Financial Services, Information Technology, TMT, Advanced Manufacturing, AR & VR, B2B Payments, Food & Beverage, Productivity, Legal, Human Resources

Head count: 1-10
Investor type: Venture Capital
Investment Stage: Pre-Seed, Seed, Early Stage Venture
No. of investments: 77
Founded: 2018
Contact: 248-613-3513

Invest across industries from pre-seed to seed - and occasionally series A - make swift decisions, co-invest with leading VCs, and help grow your business through storytelling. Micro VC

San Francisco,California,United States


# Authority Title Location
1Masha BucherFounder & General PartnerSan Francisco, California, United States
2Drake Austin RehfeldPrincipalLos Angeles, California, United States
3Drake Austin RehfeldPrincipalLos Angeles, California, United States